Sunday, January 24, 2010

all aloney on my owney

P has left to work out of town. Boo! I am all alone with the kitcats. I don't sleep well when he's not here and I get paranoid about someone breaking in. I also have no one to talk to, so I talk to the kitcats, poor them. It feels weird to make meals for just me so I haven't so far. I've made pizza pops and bagels and sandwiches... Tonight I think I'll make noodles and cheez whiz. I need to go buy some groceries. And I really want a cup of tea. Well, really I want around 5 or 6... I wish I had eggs so I could make banana bread.

I'm sorry this post is just a bunch of random sentences about what's going on in my life at this very moment.

This is a puzzle I bought from a secondhand store. the box said all the pieces were there... I somehow think they didn't really check...

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