Wednesday, January 13, 2010

tv shows

What a loooong, boring day. Since my home is 600 square feet and I cleaned it from top to bottom on Monday, all I needed to do today was a quick tidy I had nothing to do. I watched that True Blood show that everyone has been saying is so good. Well, I didn't think it was that great. I watched the entire first season and I kept thinking "It's gunna get better", but it didn't.

What I really need to do is get season three of Big Love. That is a show I could watch all day. Actually, I did for a while there. I watched the first two seasons one episode after the other last week. The cottage was a disaster area, but I think a few days of dirty tea cups laying around and a dirty litter box was worth it. Haha, you are probably thinking that I am gross right now. But seriously, I recommend watching Big Love. If you can handle some sex scenes that is.

What are you watching these days? I would love suggestions of shows I could watch. I work at a movie store so I have access to the seasons of lots of different shows.

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